Policy & Procedure No.2
1. To ensure the child’s needs are met when he/she becomes unwell at MPS, our policy is to send the child home. By doing this, the child will be in the best place and it will protect other children and adults from risk of infection.
a. Any member of staff that suspects a child is unwell or contagious must report this to the most senior member of staff.
b. The member of staff will ensure the child is as comfortable as possible and away from other children.
c. The person in charge will telephone the emergency contact number as listed on the child’s registration details. If there is no answer, other listed emergency numbers will be contacted.
d. If the parent/carer cannot be contacted, the child will be cared for by the same member of staff until either the end of the session or when the parent/carer arrives. In this case if staff ratios are not met then the Lead Practitioner/Manager or Senior Assistant shall call on another staff member.
e. If the child’s main carer cannot be contacted please refer to Policy and Procedure No. 8 (Uncollected Child).
f. Parents will always be advised to contact a medical practitioner.
g. Where staff are concerned that a child may be seriously unwell, or if their condition deteriorates rapidly, e.g. Meningitis, the child will be taken directly to hospital and medical guidance will be sought for the unwell child and others.
2. If a child needs to be transferred to hospital, a staff member will accompany the child (ratios permitting) and stay with them until a parent/carer arrives.
3. If a child has any of the following infectious illnesses or diseases, they will need to be excluded from Pre-School for at least 48 hours, or until clear (whichever is longer):-
- Chicken Pox
- Measles/German Measles
- Sickness and Diarrhoea (please allow 48 hours from last incident)
- Mumps
- Conjunctivitis
- Any other infections/contagious illnesses judged by the senior staff member to warrant exclusion
4. Epidemics/Pandemics
a. In the case of an epidemic or pandemic (as advised by Norfolk County Council), the Pre-School will continue to operate as normal while remaining alert to any child or member of staff exhibiting symptoms that could be symptomatic of the epidemic/pandemic. It may be necessary on some occasions that the Pre-School temporarily closes as a precaution to contain the spread of infection. In this case parents will be advised accordingly. This could be on health grounds if too few staff members are available to guarantee child safety.
b. Further information concerning confirmed epidemics/pandemics is available from www.norfolk.nhs.uk which gives the latest information and links through the Department of Health, Health Protection Agency, World Health Organisation and Choices websites, where everyone can access more detailed advice and guidance.