Policy & Procedure No.12
1. At Millfield Pre-school (MPS) we like to ensure that the children are ready to move on to Infant/Primary school. We consider every child’s individual needs and development when discussing their transition. We work with the parents/carers to ensure they understand how their child’s transition will proceed. MPS has a very good relationship with Millfield Primary School, where the majority of children attend after MPS. Regular meetings take place with the Deputy Head/Reception Teaches to ensure they are aware of each child’s needs.
2. We will do this by:
a. The child’s Keyperson summarising their Learning Journey. The parent/carer will be asked to read this and to add comments. Then the Keyperson will write a short statement summarising the child’s time at MPS. This form is then passed to the child’s Reception Teacher.
b. Together, MPS and Millfield Primary School hold a Transitional Open Evening inviting the parents/carers to look around and meet the teachers. This Open Evening is held during the Summer Term.
c. Within the last two terms that the children are at MPS, they are invited to attend visits to Reception class. These visits are with other children from other settings who are also due to move on to primary school.
d. With practitioners, we encourage the children to walk around both the School and School grounds, taking photographs that they can then use to make their own display about Primary School.
e. With the parents/carers consent, we take the children to the School to attend a set of Transitional Visits.
f. The Lead Practitioner/Manager will attend regular meetings with the Reception teachers.
g. If a child transitions to a school other than Millfield Primary School, the Lead Practitioner/Manager and the child’s Keyperson will arrange a meeting with the appropriate Head and Reception teachers.
h. If a child has a special educational need, the MPS SENCO, Area SENCO, School SENCO, Reception teacher and Head teacher will hold meetings with the child’s parent/carer to discuss the child’s needs and development. The parent/carer can also ask any questions.
3. If a child attends two or more settings, the child’s Keyperson will talk to the parent/carer to gather information about the child’s week. The Keyperson will encourage the parent/carer to share information between the settings. At MPS we are available to hold meetings with different settings, the parent/carer also being asked to attend. At MPS we keep all information confidential and will only pass on information with the parent’s/carer’s consent.