Policy & Procedure No.21
1. At Millfield Pre-school (MPS) we ensure that all children have appropriate opportunities to learn through play and that every child and family is welcomed and included in MPS.
2. The practitioners and Committee follows the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice to ensure all children with special educational needs reach their full potential and are included fully in MPS, ready to make a successful transition to school.
3. Where a child may require one to one support that is not funded by the local government, the Committee shall meet to discuss individual child requirements. One to one financial support may be offered from the Committee upon assessment between themselves and senior staff.
4. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) at MPS is Jane Knight.
5. If your child has special educational needs before they start MPS:
a. If it is suitable for the parent/carer, the settings SENCo will visit the child’s home to get to know them in their own setting.
b. We will have regular meetings with the parent/carer to ensure that we are meeting the child’s needs.
c. We will also invite the outside agency working with the child to come to the setting.
d. We will ensure that, at all times, the child is included in all activities and if needed, we will alter an activity to suit the child’s needs and ability.
e. The child will be invited to attend sessions to settle with their parent/carer and meet their new friends at MPS.
f. The SENCo will attend extra training sessions if needed.
g. The SENCo will always be available for the parent/carer to talk about any concerns they may have, and also about the progress their child is making.
h. The parent/carer is welcome at MPS at any time to help and observe their child.
6. If the SENCo or any practitioner has any concerns about a child, they will:
a. Talk to the parent/carer to share any concerns and enquire as to whether they also have any concerns.
b. If a parent/carer has any concerns about their child, they are welcome to come and see the SENCo. If they feel more comfortable, they can talk to their child’s Keyperson. Together with the Keyperson, they can then share any concerns with the SENCo.
c. Once the parent/carer has spoken to the SENCo, if they feel they would like to progress further, the SENCo will call the Area SENCo.
d. The Area SENCo will be invited to the setting to observe the child and discuss any concerns with the parent/carer and the settings SENCo.
e. If the SENCo and/or any practitioner is concerned about a child, they will talk to the parent/carer and the child will be placed on Early Years Action. This means they will be regularly observed by the SENCo and their Keyperson. All observations will then be reviewed with the parent/carer at a suitable date.
f. If the other professionals feel the child has a particular need, they may then follow the Statement Procedure.
7. At all times, we ensure the parent/carer is informed about what is happening and if other professionals are coming to the setting to see the child.
8. All practitioners will ensure the child is happy and is introduced to new professionals coming into the setting.
9. The child’s right to privacy will be maintained at all times.
10. If the parent/carer agrees that they would like their child to be monitored, the SENCo will complete an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
11. The child will be given three targets that the parent/carer and the SENCo feel they could reach. Together, actions for each target will be agreed. The child’s Keyperson will be informed of the IEP to ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.
12. Parents/carers reserve the right to a direct meeting with the settings SENCo and the Area SENCo if they feel that MPS is not meeting the child’s needs.
13. If a child would like to attend MPS, but the parent/carer believes that adjustments are required within the setting to meet their child’s needs, MPS would work alongside other professionals to provide a suitable environment. Adjustments will be reviewed to continually meet the child’s individual needs.
14. If any parent/carer has English as a second language, we are able to provide translated newsletters.