Policy & Procedure No.4
1. At Millfield Pre-School (MPS) our aim is to provide the children and adults with a safe, healthy and hygienic environment at all times.
2. Safety
a. At all times, the children will be supervised by members of staff.
b. The children will not be allowed in the kitchen or areas where hazardous materials are kept/stored.
c. The beginning and end of sessions will be closely monitored and children will be marked in and out.
d. Children will only leave with a known authorised adult.
e. Visitors will also be entered on the register.
f. Safety checks will be carried out at the beginning of each session.
g. Fire extinguishers are checked annually and staff are trained on how to operate them.
h. Procedures for fire/evacuation drills are known by all practitioners.
i. Fire doors are never obstructed.
j. Potential dangerous materials, windows, sockets, heaters and layout of activities and equipment are closely supervised to remove or minimise hazards.
k. Staff ratios are met at all times.
l. Fire drills are carried out half termly and are to be recorded.
m. At least one practitioner will be first aid trained at each session.
n. Every practitioner knows where the first aid kit is stored.
o. A notice stating where the first aid kit is stored is on display.
p. A named person is responsible for checking that the first aid kit is up to date and adequately stocked.
q. Accidents and near misses will be recorded in the Risk Assessment/Health and Safety file. The Health and Safety Officer will liaise with the Lead Practitioner/Manager and/or Committee to decide on any appropriate action to be taken.
r. The first aid kit will contain the following, as provided in the guidance in the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981:-
- 40 sterile adhesive dressings (individually wrapped)
- 4 eye pads (sterile)
- triangular bandage
- 12 safety pins
- scissors
- tweezers
- sterile water
- 8 medium dressings (sterile)
- 4 large dressings (sterile)
- non-allergic waterproof adhesive tape
- disposable gloves (non-latex)
- accident book
3. Health
a. When planning activities, we take into account children’s health needs, both dietary and physical.
b. No smoking is allowed on the premises.
c. When applicable animals in MPS are fed daily and their cages cleaned weekly.
d. Parents/carers are required to keep children at home if they have an infectious disease or are vomiting or have diarrhoea (see Policy and Procedure No.2 or 3 Unwell Child or Unwell Staff.
e. Parents/carers will be informed if there is a health risk such as Head Lice, Worms, Impetigo or any other childhood infection.