Policy & Procedure No.24
1. At Millfield Pre-school (MPS), we ensure that all staff work in a safe environment and are afforded protection when conducting their duties as practitioners, volunteers and students.
2. Safeguarding Staff
All MPS Staff must:
a. Be aware of your personal position in situations where conflict may occur:
i. Talking one-to-one with a parent/carer.
ii. Dealing with a stranger.
Position yourself so that you are between the parent/carer and a safe exit. If you feel uncomfortable, tell a colleague or take a colleague with you.
b. Always share information or concerns within MPS unless specifically told not to do so.
c. Never place yourself in a vulnerable position by isolating yourself. Leave the changing room door open a small amount if there is no vision panel.
d. Tell colleagues when you go to change nappies or take a child to the toilet.
e. Students should never be allowed to change/toilet or administer first aid unsupervised.
f. The Lead Practitioner/Manager must always ensure that there are 2 members of staff within MPS at any time. Under no circumstances should staff be left alone by their colleagues.
g. Always ensure that recordable information (Dietary Sheets, Accident Reports, Medication Sheets, Children and Staff Registers) are accurate and recorded at the time of the event, with a second/counter signature when necessary.
h. Ensure all students are supervised and aware of vulnerable positions that they may find themselves in.
3. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect themselves from allegation or suspicion by being aware of potential vulnerable situations that may occur by following the guidance provided. Make sure that you are up to date with all new policies and procedures on a regular basis. All new policies will be discussed at staff meetings and Committee meetings.