Policy & Procedure No.25
1. Staffing Levels
a. One adult : two children.
b. Senior staff are responsible throughout the duration of the outing/visit for all participants (children, staff and parent helpers).
2. Plan of Activities
a. A plan will be drawn up to show how the outing fits into the overall curriculum plan and activities which will be used to prepare the children for the outing beforehand.
b. A plan will be drawn up to show activities to be carried out during the outing.
c. All adults are required to familiarise themselves with these plans.
3. Parental Permission
A completed consent form signed by the parent/carer is required for each child.
4. Emergency Procedures
a. Contact telephone numbers for parents/carers are taken.
b. A fully charged mobile telephone will be carried at all times.
c. If an accident occurs which needs medical assistance, the parent/carer will be informed and asked to meet the child and a member of staff at the relevant hospital.
5. Equipment to be taken
- List of children
- List of parent/carer telephone numbers
- List of individual needs
- First Aid kit and any necessary medication
- Accident Book
- Spare clothes
- Plastic bags
- Activity plan
- Health care plans
6. Transport
a. MPS may arrange any transport when attending outings. Where transport is arranged, the Risk Assessment Officer shall ensure vehicles are correctly fitted with appropriate safety equipment.
b. We may also ask parents/carers to transport their own child to the venue. If a parent/carer is unable to arrange transport it will be the responsibility of the child’s parent/carer to organise their own travel. Parents/carers who can provide transport for other children must provide to the setting evidence of fully comprehensive vehicle insurance and current MOT document. We suggest that parents/carers travel with their child/ren when using transport offered by others. The final decision to travel falls to the parent/carer of the passenger child.
7. Risk Assessment
Before we go on any outing, the responsible person for MPS risk assessments will visit the venue the week preceding the visit to complete a full risk assessment. This is available for parents/carers to view.
8. Lost Child Whilst On An Outing (Policy and Procedure No.26 refers)