CHANGE IN HOURS – September 2024
Due to Millfield Primary School changing their opening hours, we have also had to amend our own hours to allow Parents/Carers to drop off siblings. At Millfield Primary School, we have been advised the attending pupils need to be in their classrooms, ready to register at 8:45am. We have amended our own sessions to start at 8:45am from September 2024 (the door will open at this time) to allow Parents/Carers to drop off older siblings at school first, then attend to their younger child’s needs here. When we have busy sessions, drop off and shoe change can be time consuming and we do not want Parents/Carers to feel under pressure to rush their child so a sibling is not late for school.
Morning session – 8:45am – 11:45am
Lunch session – 11:45am – 12:30pm
Afternoon session – 12:30pm – 15:30pm
We offer a Breakfast club session 8:00am – 8:45am, Monday to Friday, to allow Parents/Carers to drop their children off earlier if required.
Synthetic phonics are an essential part of teaching your child to learn to read. By recognising the letter and the associated sound, children can build words. We use ReadWrite Inc phonics and each letter also has a phrase that helps to direct the formation of the letter when writing. After half term we will be focussing on the “letter of the week” and including reading and writing the letter in our Sapling sessions too. I have included a short video below to support the learning at home, YouTube can be a valuable tool when learning phonics!
If you have any questions about phonics or resources, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks,
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is available Monday – Friday at 8:00am – 8:45am for a small charge of £5.00 including breakfast and a drink. Cereal, toast and fruit are offered. Children are fully supervised by qualified staff throughout the session.

Following last nights School Readiness meeting hosted by Su Brooks from Millfield Primary School I thought it may help you all feel more confident with phonics if I posted a couple of videos which take the mystery out of pure sounds and developing phonics skills. We use the ReadWrite Inc Phonics system which provides an excellent foundation to support your child in learning to read and write.
I will organise some home resource packs with letter sound flash cards to share with your child, so if you would like some, please ask me. Meanwhile, the Oxford Owl website is brilliant for Parents/Carers who want to try activities at home, I can highly recommend it.
Don’t forget we have lots of books to borrow and share in our Honesty Library and most importantly, try to have fun with books with your child!
Many thanks, Krysia