Policy & Procedure No.5
1. When we need to administer medicines at Millfield Pre-school, the following procedures will be followed:
a. A practitioner will administer the medicine.
b. The medication must only be registered to the child or prescribed by their doctor.
c. All medicine(s) will be stored in its original container, clearly labelled and inaccessible to children.
d. A consent form must be completed and signed by the parent/carer.
e. When medication has been administered, records will be kept which include dosage, name of medication, time of administering, name of person who administered and witness to procedure. Parent/carers will then sign the medication form when the child is collected.
f. Children with specific medical needs will have a Health Care Plan agreed with their doctor, parent/carer and the Lead Practitioner/Manager. All staff will be made aware of the needs and treatment required. Any specific training: use of epipens etc, will be organised and co-ordinated by the Lead Practitioner/Manager and relevant professionals.Such medicines/treatment will only be administered by staff specifically trained in such instances.