Policy and Procedure No. 9a
1. At Millfield Pre-school (MPS), we are committed in ensuring that all our staff who are responsible for the intimate care of children undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times. MPS recognises that all children need to be treated with respect when intimate care is given. No child should be attended to in a way that causes distress, embarrassment or discomfort.
2. Protection of the child:
At MPS we ensure:
a. Staff who provide intimate care are trained to do so and are always fully aware of best practice.
(i) In nappy changing, toileting accidents.
(ii) Administration of individual/personal medication.
b. Each staff member shall hold a current DBS and Safeguarding Certificate (valid for 3 years), qualifying them to be responsible for intimate care of all children.
c. Record when an individual child’s nappy has been changed or a medication administered.
d. Every child is supported as appropriate to their age, ability and emotional needs. Staff encourage children to do as for themselves as possible, e.g. hand washing after a nappy change.
e. Individual intimate care plans will be drawn up for particular children as appropriate to suit the circumstances of the child. In the case of a care plan requirement the Parents/Carers, Lead Practitioner/Manager, Senior Assistant and/or other Outside Professional will work together to ensure that an appropriate plan is put in place. In the case of a more specific procedure only staff that have been trained and assessed as competent should undertake the procedure (e.g. the administration of Insulin for Diabetes). An individual care plan will be updated on a regular and/or requirement basis.
f. Each child’s right to privacy will be respected. Every child is treated with respect at all times; the child’s welfare and dignity is of paramount importance. Careful consideration will be given to each child’s situation to determine how many staff members might be need to be present when a child is assisted to use the toilet/potty. Where possible one child will be cared for by one staff member unless there is a sound reason for having more staff members present. If this is the case, the reasons will be clearly documented.
g. If a staff member has concerns about, or notices any physical and/or emotional changes in a child’s presentation, e.g. marks, soreness, being withdrawn etc., or the child should make a disclosure to the staff member they will immediately report concerns to the designated Safeguarding Lead Practitioner (SLP) or Deputy Safeguarding Lead Practitioner (DSLP) (see Safeguarding and Welfare Policy and Procedure Part 1).
h If a child makes a disclosure against a member of staff, all necessary procedures will be followed (see Safeguarding Policy and Procedure Part 2).