Policy & Procedure No.17
1. At Millfield Pre-school (MPS), we ensure that the end of session continues the smooth flow of the session.
2. We do this by:
a. Gathering all the children on to the mat area and talking to them about being picked up and going home.
b. At the end of the session, the parents/carers are requested to collect their child on time, or may collect earlier if required.
c. The parents/carers are asked to proceed up the ramp and are greeted at the playroom door by a senior staff member. The parents/carers form a line and wait until their child’s name is called. The parents/carers collect coats, etc, from their child’s peg.
d. Practitioners are positioned on the mat with the children, ensuring they cannot leave until their name is called. Practitioners will continue conversations with the children.
e. A practitioner is positioned at the exit area of the mat to mark the children out as they leave. A child is not permitted to leave the building without a parent/carer.
f. We only let the children leave MPS with an agreed person. If a different person is needed to pick up the child, we ask the parent/carer to fill in an additional form. We also ask for a photograph or description of the person.
g. If a person comes to collect a child and the practitioners have not been informed (contrary to Paragraph 2.g. above), the Lead Practitioner/Manager or Senior Assistant will contact the parent/carer. If they are unable to contact the parent/carer they will not allow the child to leave MPS until the parent/carer has been contacted. Please see Policy and Procedure No.8 (Uncollected Child).
h. If a child needs to be picked up earlier than the recognised collection time, a practitioner will ask the parent/carer to agree a time. The practitioner will prepare the child to leave early. The practitioner will mark the child out on the register, writing the time against their mark. Fees still apply for the full session.
i. If a parent/carer needs to speak to a practitioner, they will be asked to wait until the last child has left.