c. Parents/carers are asked not to use their personal mobile phones whilst on the pre-school premises.
h. Written consent is obtained from all parents/carers prior to their child/ren’s start date for photographic evidence to be used in their child/ren’s Learning Journey. Should children’s photographs/images be needed for publicity use (i.e our website and/or press releases) then full written consent is obtained from individual children’s parents/carers before publication.
i. Photographs/images taken within the setting on a daily basis supporting each child’s Learning Journey and inside displays are removed from the Pre-school camera at the end of each day. These photographs/images are password protected on the settings computer.
j. Children’s Learning Journeys are securely kept within Pre-school premises at all times and updated within the settings environment. Learning Journeys are brought home termly for your child/ren to share with you.
k. It is never appropriate for staff, Committee members and parents/carers to name or otherwise identify any child or family that they know on a social networking site and it is never appropriate to post pictures of, or to discuss or comment on a child or family within the setting.