Policy and Procedure No. 29b
At Millfield Pre-school (MPS) we provide and offer all staff the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback on their working performance. This is carried out with an annual appraisal and half termly supervision meetings.
1. Appraisals allow:
a. Assessment and records to be kept of each staff members performance.
b. For staff to understand the expectations of the Lead Practitioner/Manager and or the Committee.
c. To set reasonable targets for the forthcoming months.
d. To identify areas where further training may be required.
e. To identify areas of achievement/concern.
2. Supervision meetings allow:
a. Positive feedback.
b. Early identification of issues and problems.
c. Offering practical advise.
d. Seeking ways to find practical solutions.
e. Reviewing of annual appraisal.
f. General concerns.
g. Concerns regarding other staff members.
The Lead Practitioner/Manager conducts all appraisals and supervision meetings.
The Chair of the Committee conducts the appraisal of the Lead Practitioner/Manager.