Millfield Pre-School has charitable status and is overseen by a voluntary Committee.
If you are considering your childcare needs now or in the future please contact Krysia Smith or Rachel Griffiths on 01692 406378 or email via the ‘Contact Us’ link. We look forward to seeing you and your child.
Your Child’s Development and Learning
At our Pre-School we combine a continuous provision approach with planned activities related to a half termly topic. This combination enables the children to make a wide range of choices in line with their current interests and abilities, enabling them to develop their confidence, self esteem, independence and other life skills.
The play areas are equipped with good quality resources. These are adapted by staff to accommodate children’s changing interests and current trends.
Ongoing assessment (via observations, photographic evidence and progress checks) is an integral part of the learning and development process. It is a statutory requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for each child to be assessed primarily by their allocated Keyperson and recorded in the form of a Learning Journey.
All practitioners hold current Paediatric First Aid qualifications and Norfolk Safeguarding Children’s Board (NSCB) Early Year Safeguarding qualifications. Currency is maintained. Practitioners update and expand their professional knowledge by attending training courses organised and approved by Norfolk County Council and other outside agencies.
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Our pre-school has a good reputation within the local area for it’s SEND provision and it’s work with those families.